State Estate and Inheritance Taxes

As of 2024, the states in the United States that impose an estate tax are:

  1. Connecticut

  2. District of Columbia

  3. Hawaii

  4. Illinois

  5. Maine

  6. Maryland

  7. Massachusetts

  8. Minnesota

  9. New York

  10. Oregon

  11. Rhode Island

  12. Vermont

  13. Washington

It's important to note that each state has different exemption thresholds and tax rates, so the specifics of the estate tax can vary significantly from one state to another. For example, some states have higher exemption amounts than others, meaning that smaller estates may not owe any tax at all.

As of 2024, the states that impose an inheritance tax are:

  1. Iowa

  2. Kentucky

  3. Maryland

  4. Nebraska

  5. New Jersey

  6. Pennsylvania

Inheritance tax is different from estate tax in that it is paid by the beneficiaries of an estate, rather than the estate itself. The specifics of the inheritance tax, including the rates and exemptions, can vary widely depending on the state and the relationship of the beneficiary to the deceased. Immediate family members, such as spouses and children, may be exempt or subject to lower rates, while more distant relatives and non-relatives may face higher rates.


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